
A little transparency....

Gotta be honest... i have been seriously considering calling the blogging thing quits.... i haven't written in a few weeks just to see if i would get any emails or inquiries about the blog...

If you don't know it, there is a way i can check and see what the "traffic" is like in terms of people reading my blog and quite frankly the numbers are way less than impressive... not that numbers are the most important thing but they do mean something and what the numbers mean right now is that i need to make some changes or stop writing all together.

Interestingly enough though, i had someone say to me just this past week..."and don't think that no one is reading your blog, i read it every week..."

At any rate, i am excited about having the opportunity last week to take about 50 people through the Inventory of Spiritual Emotional Health from the book "The Emotionally Healthy Church"... it was interesting as we spent time discussing the results of the inventory and the issue of the "sore spot"... many people were deeply moved and many of us realized that we have some "work" to do in order to go from humans doing to simply human beings.
The adventure never ends!


dgreen said...

I, too enojoy reading your blog. It is gratifying to see how you are integrating "stuff" from our heart-shaping spiritual retreat (class) into your life and ministry. Your transparency in your journey toward Jesus provides others a window through which they can see themselves. Keep it up!

Unknown said...

Hey man,
I have always enjoyed reading your blogs man. It's good stuff and a great way to see how God is working in you and through you. Have a great weekend man.

Anonymous said...

Hey what I am - chopped liver? Keep writing!

Anonymous said...

I do read them, even if it is out a few days. And in fact, you sometimes see emails from me regarding what you have written. Your choice but know that I am one more that will continue to read them if you put them out there.

Anonymous said...


Keep posting your blog it's a way for me to keep connnected with one of my discipleship partner. Your blogs encourage and challenge me.

Anonymous said...

I check it faithfully and am always interested in what you have to say... It also helps me feel more connected to the staff at Westbrook.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I forget to check ... not very good about the whole blogging thing. Is there a way to "subscribe" or get an email to remind me?

Rick said...

Please continue to share, it is appreciated!!



Welcome to our world little dude!