
How NOT to Talk About Racial Issues in the U.S. 101

Hmmmm, interestingly enough not many of you had much to say last week about the current political season we are in the midst of here in our nation....
Well maybe you had some thoughts about it but didn't feel strongly enough about to write anything for posterity's sake...
i understand... i am quite tired of all the "noise" as well.... why add more to it right?

Except.... i have to say, that the more i hear said about the current state of "race relations" in our nation i find myself fluctuating between a couple extremes.

On the one hand depending on who you listen to, we are "so close" to being over race... and on the other hand things have never been worse because people have never been more oblivious to the disparities between people of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds.

It's weird, it's frustrating, it's disturbing, it's disappointing... it's making me crazy listening to a bunch of people who can't seem to agree on whether or not having a free trade policy is the right or best thing for our nation try to tackle something as delicate and deeply problematic from a historical sense as the issue of race.

There is one part of me that wishes everybody would get as honest as i think a couple of people who have had a few portions of their "sermons" played repeatedly on the radio, T.V. and the Internet. At least then perhaps we'd know where everybody really stood and could stop the silly posturing.

i know that may sound odd but the fact is, when we have a majority of people indicating they don't really have a problem with the issue of race, then have to live through the last couple of weeks, it seems we do have a problem and a pretty big one at that!
Let's just admit it, go from there and work it out.

Strange, the last thing anyone wants to be accused of is being prejudice or having "racist" thoughts or feelings... it's really weird how adverse we seem to admitting our human-ness in this aspect of life. Is it a thing good to dislike people simply based on ethnicity or racial background... obviously not. But a bigger problem, is to be shamed into NOT talking about your honest feelings because it just really shows how big a jerk you really are.
Hello!?! Welcome to the club.... we're all jerks!

Anyway, the talk about race over the last few weeks has been disappointing, not because we are having the talk but rather because it seems to be more about people making statements with little to no difference making discussion... at all. What do you think?


His Pastor Said *&%$# ?!?

First off, if you came here looking for a take on a particular pastor in the national news... i think i may disappoint you in that regard but while i have you here anyway let me ask....

Is anyone else out there a bit disappointed? Maybe it's just me but i must admit this political season has uncovered what i think are some pretty serious problems that our nation still hasn't dealt with properly.

i have heard several pundits, talking heads or whatever they are called this week mockingly wonder aloud if once one of the leading presidential contenders is elected will our nation no longer have a problem with racism!?! That is the wrong question to ask because it presupposes (i think) that somehow the ultimate "price" will have been paid, the final "debt" retired and all the chronic voices that cry racism will have to be stilled... for "Behold... you have one of your own occupying not only the highest office in the land but in the world.... NOW can you please give it a rest?!?"

It's sad, because we can never seem to really say the hard things to each other, because quite frankly it seems no one trust each other.
i mean when it gets right down to it, that is what it's all about isn't? Saying hard things doesn't have to be about treating one another with little to no respect... or about trying to play an endless game of one upmanship. In fact saying hard things to each other should be about desiring what is authentically best for one another.
But somewhere along the line it seems that the cynicism, bitterness and anger simply rule the majority of conversations that we might have with one another about the things that really matter in our nation. Does that make sense?
Just one political season in my lifetime would i love to see the poison, vindictive, incendiary stuff be completely and authentically off limits. Let's argue or discuss the issues in way that is definitive but constructive and not destructive.

Perhaps it makes for great election season "real life" drama that helps sell newspapers, magazines or whatever... maybe it drives internet traffic to the sites that contain the latest juicy news on what "he said" and "she said". It might even make very, very dangerous and complex issues seem like no-brainers.

But the one thing is doesn't do, is make us as a people... look so smart. And that is a major disappointment.


Amazingly Strange...

This week, one of my sons is in Haiti helping to build a medical clinic and a school. He got a last minute invitation to join a team of people heading there last week, when another person was denied medical clearance by a physician. The trip was all paid for, his passport was up to date and his grandparents were leading the team.... how could you say anything but "Sure... i guess!?!"

i got to thinking about this kid and his willingness to go, and to help at the drop of a hat and wondered... "Is this the son that i helped raised?!?" He along with his siblings really do love to serve... they complain sometimes but for the most part they love to help people. i continue to be humbled by this when i see it. And to be a bit honest it scares me a little bit because i know both of my boys are headed in the we'll-do-whatever-go-whereever-no-matter-what-the-personal-cost... i say that not because i am this dad sticking out his chest... but because it is humbling to realize... it seems my guys get it.

It's what every parent really hopes will happen and wants to happen, then what do you do when it does happen?

i spend most of my time trying not to think about just what these guys are headed into.... my oldest is going to end up making a difference in an urban center somewhere in this country loving on people that would be called ..."the least of these". My other son is going to end up half way around the globe in some country where they don't have near the standard of living we do here in the United States, loving and serving people who have very little in the way of material possessions but more love than can be imagined!

The strangest part in all this is that Ruthie and i would readily admit in a way we didn't see this coming... but it's pretty cool to watch these boys becoming men who are learning to love and live with their hearts on their sleeves.

And while it's also a bit scary (especially for me... i am the worrier), we can't think of a more incredible blessing.


Gotta' Love Your Leaders!

Please forgive me for not getting this done last week but we were busy planning an event that turned out to be simply fantastic! And to be honest i really didn't have time to do this today but i just had to get a word in here about an event from this past week!

Foe the past several months we have been planning and prepping for making what we do at much more Simple. With that in mind we made plans to clear the calendar and focus our collective attention as a staff on a church wide training event called Leadership Community.
It was a fantastic event! From all the volunteers to help the event come together so smoothly, to all the staff and leaders who prepared to lead various training sessions, to the incredible participation by a cross section of leaders in our church it was simply awesome!

The secret to the success of this event was work that Mary, our director of Early Childhood Education put into this event! She is incredibly organized and does a great job making sure that all the necessary "ducks" are lined up in a row!

Our next event is slated for August of this year and i am already excited about it! We are in need of the next generation of leaders around here at Westbrook and this event will play a significant role in helping us get to that next level of church wide leadership! Way to go Westbrook!



Welcome to our world little dude!