
Wow... a ton of Tiger!

i have not had much to say but have found myself wondering over the last several weeks... what's the big deal about Tiger Woods? i must admit to being a little shocked by what seems to be a generally across-the-board negative reaction to his, shall we say, indiscretions?!? Now perhaps i'd have a different take if he was married to my daughter, sister or friend... but seriously i wonder why is there such an overwhelmingly negative reaction?

  • Is it driven by the shock of seeing the world's number one athlete using multiple women as nothing more than objects with which to feed his own voracious sexual desires?
  • Is it driven by deep seated resentment of a ultra-wealthy guy who seemingly threw all common-sense to the wind and behaved in sexually irresponsible way?
  • Is it driven by a disgust with a husband completely disregarding his own promise to remain faithful to the mother of his children?
  • Is it driven by the image of a black man who, as it seems now, has a fairly narrow (and perhaps distorted) view of what "beauty" truly is?
  • Is it driven by jealously, the thought "Gee, I wish I could do that... but I'd never be able to get away with it like he did/has/does?"

Not that it makes it right or ok but the fact is Tiger Woods has not done anything that many, many other people haven't already done... and that is, try to fill up the whole in our souls with garbage that will ultimately destroy us...

Technically, psychologically maybe there are other words, phrases and explanations assigned to what has happened with and what he is accused of having done but here is the heart of the matter for me... a family has been (again) forever impacted by a father's poor choices... it doesn't have to end this way however... but for now we wait to see what will ultimately happen.

Personally, my hope is, if i get to revisit this topic in the future the story will be very different and filled with promise.

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Welcome to our world little dude!