
Digging deep...

Just this past week, i finished a fascinating book. As a matter of fact, the author of the book put into writing something that for many years i had wondered about but just didn't know how to articulate. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero is a very, very insightful book. Scazzero's thesis is that it is impossible to separate emotional health from spiritual maturity.
The whole concept of being a person who is seeking to grow spiritually takes a turn on its' head if this premise is accepted...

I have often wondered what is the deal?!? Over the years i have met and dealt with...
  • People who seem rather normal...
  • People who seem to be rather lucid...
  • People who have expressed a sincere desire to grow into totally devoted followers of Jesus... and for some inexplicable reason, things seem to for no reason, to go terribly wrong!
Many of us say we want to change, or we want to be different, some people even talk about undergoing a "transformation" but it would seem that this author is right... there is no way to go forward and grow until we take a trip backwards and deal with some "stuff".... for a lot of us we won't make that trip backwards until as Scazzero says in his book the pain of staying where we are becomes unbearable... that is a point with which I can easily identify with.

It's interesting to me... i think a lot of us who are so wrapped up in "doing", we have little to no clue what it means to simply "be"... i know i'm guilty of it too! Always looking for the next great thing to do or accomplish (we often say or think) "for God"... when the reality of it all is, that we are truly looking to do is salve some horrific message we have come to mistakenly believe is true about us from our past.

The great thing is, freedom and authentic change (inside AND out) can be accomplished but it will require digging deep... anything less is a waste of time and effort. This is scary stuff but i think if people would just take the chance, lives would be radically transformed...

1 comment:

Freestyle said...

I just had some people inform me of this movement, of which I was completely unaware of. We might actually be doing some type of joint conference with Peter and us (Mosaix NE Conference). I will have to continue to look into it all. Anyway, I like the page, blessings brother.



Welcome to our world little dude!