
Doing Life....Together!

It has taken almost 15 years but i have to admit it feels really good.... it feels great to be part of a small circle of people who are loving, safe, accepting and ready (if necessary) to get in my face ...

We get together every other week and when we do, i absolutely love it! Our group has been together now for several months and it's been very cool watching how all us interact with one another. Our children love being with one another when they have a chance to come together as a matter of fact have asked that we all spend more time together.

i can admit it now, i know i need community. i need a place where i can go and don't have to be "on"... i don't have to be the "Answer man"... no, in this group, we get to be just small group participants. Let me give you an example...

After a great but grueling weekend at Westbrook, my group simply gave me a break by letting me be me. i simply came to the group on that night and was able to soak up the comfort of the group... like a warm, rugged Carhartt jacket, my group became a place to be recharged and energized for the coming week!

On one level i knew i really missed this kind of community... i mean, that is what i am always encouraging others to do... connect in community... what i didn't realize was just how much it meant to me!

Do you have a small group that you're part of? A group of people that you "do life" with every week? If you don't, seriously consider making a small group experience part of your life... trust me, once you find the right group of people to connect with, you can never be the same... and that's a very good thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talk about warm fuzzies! Rob, you're great and do so much for the rest of us. Glad you have a comfortable place to just "be". T.



Welcome to our world little dude!