
One Crazy Summer...in a good way!


That is how i describe the last few weeks at the Daniels household!

Between trips to hang out with friends in Indianapolis, a missions trip to Mexico, a week at Camp in central Indiana and another missions trip to Atlanta, Georgia... various members of the family have had to adjust to changing time zones, spend 24 hours (one entire day) in a mini-van simply driving, try to live without Mom around (this is huge) and wash mountains of laundry! All of this travel and seeing the world has been a bit insane! But it has been good too!

Pictures of our Mexico missions trip are forthcoming as are pictures from Camp Good News! The trip to Atlanta just happened this morning around 6AM but i am sure that there will be plenty of pictures to share as well when everyone returns from the Dream Center!

The one thing that has struck me with all of this non-stop action around our house has been that our three oldest are growing up... fast.

Of course the three year old is going to be around for a while but the others, well we had a bit of a wake up call to having an empty house might be like one day. Ruthie hung out with our 3 year old and i found out what it was like to make up meals as we went along! With no one in the house there really wasn't any reason to keep the fridge stocked! i am really hoping we stick to that one when the oldest ones are out on their own... hopefully it'll discourage them from thinking they can come and raid our fridge when theirs' is empty! i can hear them now.... "Hey let's go over to Mom and Dad's they always have extra food in the fridge... Uh, check that, no they don't... every since we left the house all they have is ice!"

Anyway, i will be getting photos of our travels and as soon as i do, my plan is to can get them uploaded... uh oh i better go, Ruthie has started the mini-van and the kids are loading up... not sure where we're off to next but it'll be a blast!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hi Rob. I found your blog after reading a post on Eric Havinga's blog about his recent mission trip with your church. Sounds like God really displayed his glory in your group and through your church. I'm glad to find your blog. I'm looking forward to the pictures of the trip to Mexico.



Welcome to our world little dude!