
Getting What You Want... Not always a "good" thing....

Have you ever wanted something so badly that when you did get it, you wondered what you were thinking in the first place?

It is somewhat ironic that often that one thing that we are absolutely convinced will make us "happy" or "fulfilled" turns out more often than not to be the thing that almost ruins us!

i remember a few years ago sitting around my house in the far western suburbs of Chicago thinking that if i had the chance i would jump at the opportunity to be a co-pastor of a church. i recall even thinking that God was giving me all the "go for it" signals on this idea that anyone could ask for... friends who affirmed my leadership gifts, conversations regarding an emerging, new "shared" church leadership paradigm and the ultimate... an unsolicited phone call, offering the "opportunity of a lifetime" helping to co-lead a church in another part of the country!

WOW! What else could an earnest, eager and more than slightly immature person ask for?!?

Well several years later, i realized i should have asked for a whole lot else!
  • Did the experience allow me to develop more as a leader?
  • Was the experience necessary for future opportunities that might come my way?
  • Was the experience fun?
The answers: Yes... Probably.... and only if you think of having teeth extracted from your face as a "good time"!

i often found myself during those several years wondering how could i have misunderstood all the "signs"? And you know what? i never really came up with a truly satisfactory answer. i did however realize that one must exercise extreme caution when thinking or believing you have come across your supposed "opportunity of a lifetime"!

i also believe that one of the most painful prayers that can be answered "yes" is the one prayer you pray to get that one thing you have always "thought" you wanted... and you get it.

PS. Oh yeah, one more thing... this past weekend at our church we celebrated with 34 baptisms! It was an awesome way to end a great summer!


Anonymous said...

Some one once told me that "Life is what goes on while you're waiting for something big to happen!"

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! Getting that big money job I always wanted found me working harder and away from my family more, and that much closer to temptation.

When that happens, you're prime fodder for Satan's cannons. God gets blown to the side as we chase the almighty dollar and the deceptions of the world. Certainly not the experience you had as a co-pastor, but a painful learning experience, nonetheless. Be careful what you pray for and look to align your desires with those of God's heart. ts



Welcome to our world little dude!