A really good friend of mine had a significant event occur in his life this week… it was (is) one of those events that causes me to stop a moment, take a pretty long and introspective look (i am really getting accomplished at that as i get older). What struck me the most about this particular event in the life of my friend is this (i’m also stealing the following thought from another friend)…
This world sucks….
Profound huh?
i know that is probably more than a bit strong for some of you reading this but it pretty much sums up life in a world that is ravaged by the effects of humans deciding to do things “my way”.
i would really like to say something else about the condition of the world but frankly this world sucks says it all. i would love to have something deeply profound and thought provoking to say other than that but this week, that is as good as it gets.
Thing is, i wonder if i am too tied to life in this world. That is another thought that came to me this week when i got the news about my friend. i was amazed at how angry i was that this happened to him. i found myself thinking… “Well, that is just not fair… that should have never happened to him”…
Oh sure, i spend a decent amount of time helping people understand that this life and world are temporary but when it gets right down to it, it takes things like what happened this week to remind me that i also am way too wrapped up in this life and not appropriately focused on the life to come. i am not talking about becoming “too heavenly minded and no earthly good”… rather i am talking about rediscovering in my own life the anticipation of looking forward to the day when life as it was originally intended to be experienced becomes the ultimate reality…